Main: Current Work Lesley

Lesley Allison

I’m based in NCAS-Climate in Reading, and I’m working on the RAPID-RAPIT project, which is part of NERC’s RAPID_WATCH programme. RAPIT aims to produce a risk assessment for a collapse of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in the Atlantic ocean.

I’m using FAMOUS (as well as several other GCMs) to examine the mechanisms and impacts of the largest decadal-scale MOC fluctuations in unforced model simulations, to help us understand the feedbacks and processes involved, how they may differ from the processes involved in a more severe collapse, and what this might tell us about the risk of collapse.

I’m also doing some analysis of the FAMOUS MOC hysteresis experiments, which are discussed by Ed Hawkins, to explore the mechanisms involved in producing a bi-stable regime of the MOC in FAMOUS.

You can visit my website:
or send me an email: l.c.allison at

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