Main: Running HEC to R

How to run FAMOUS on HECToR

We assume users are registered with the puma service.

FAMOUS is installed under /work/n02/n02/annette/famous

Setting up your environment on HECToR

1. Add the following lines to your ~/.profile on HECToR, uncommenting the TARGET_MC and UMDIR lines for the compiler you wish to use.

export PATH=$PATH:~jwc/bin

# Choose compiler
export TARGET_MC=pathscale
#export TARGET_MC=pgi

# Choose UM installation
export UMDIR=/work/n02/n02/hum
#export UMDIR=/work/n02/n02/simon/PGI/um   # 4.5 PGI only

UMSETUP=$UMDIR/setvars_4.5; export UMSETUP

# Load setup
if [ -f $UMSETUP ]
   . $UMSETUP  #  set up UM environment variables
. /work/n02/n02/hum/bin/loadcomp
loadcomp $TARGET_MC

2. To check this has been set up properly:

a. Make sure you have the correct compiler loaded.
. ~/.profile
module list
Note: PGI will be loaded by default when you log in to HECToR, unless you specifically change compiler in your .profile.
Note: An alternative way to swicth compilers is using the module command:
module switch PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-pathscale
b. Check you are picking up the correct UM version:
env | grep um
This should list several UM environment variables with the version number and UM installation you specified.

Creating a FAMOUS job on puma

3. Open up the umui on puma, and copy one of the following jobs to your own directory. They are all under owner annette.

4. Edit your job in the following places:

DATA_DIR: set this to your work directory (this is where the output will go)

Submitting a job

5. Set your job to “compile and run” and ensure the submission method is “qsub for PBS pro (Cray XT4)”. Set the number of processors and time limits as usual and click on the SUBMIT button.

6. To check on the progress of a job type qstat and to delete a job use qdel

Useful links

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Page last modified on November 25, 2008, at 06:03 PM