Main: Running HP Cx

How to Run FAMOUS on HPCx

The current “base” FAMOUS HPCx job is xcpsa (see FAMOUS Standard Versions). It can be found under the username annette in the UMUI at Reading. If you have your own UMUI running locally, you can download the basis file, stashmasters and post-processing scripts from FAMOUS Standard Versions - just scroll down to the latest version (xcggb) and click on famous_umui.tar.gz.

By default, the job runs 100 years in 4 year chunks, and does not reconfigure. The reconfigure has been tested however, and can be switched on if you wish.

1) In the UMUI, copy the job to one of your own folders, and alter the following sections:

$DATA_DIR: should be your own directory (this is where the output will go)

2) Submit the job:

~jeff/bin/umsubmit -h -u <user-name> -r sftp <job-id>

This will copy the necessary files to HPCx, and provide you with a ksh command.

3) Execute this command on HPCx.

This will set up and submit a compilation job to the batch queue system. It will then execute the first chunk of the run only - the NRUN. By default, output files are sent to the offline archive system, see below.

4) To complete the remainder of the run, you must return to your local machine and alter the SUBMIT script found under:


Change the following two lines:

STEP=2 to STEP=4 (to avoid recompiling)

5) Resubmit the job as before using umsubmit, and it will complete the rest of the run, resubmitting itself automatically every 4 years. This is the CRUN.

For further information on running the UM on HPCx, see the NCAS-CMS website.

HPCx Archive

Output from both the NRUN and CRUN will be sent to HPCx’s offline storage system, which you can access through a GUI or command-line interface. To access the GUI, type dsm, and click on the box which says “retrieve files”.

Alternatively, to list the decadal mean PP files of the job xbyjc, for example, type

rdsmc query archive -subdir=yes “$DEVTDIR/um_archive/xbyjc/*px*”

To restore the files to their original location

rdsmc retrieve -subdir=yes “$DEVTDIR/um_archive/xbyjc/*px*”

Note that in this case $DEVTDIR is the value of the environment variable $DATA_DIR in the UMUI and where I set the job output to go.

For more information:

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Page last modified on November 22, 2007, at 10:01 AM