Main: Running Quest

How to Run FAMOUS on the QUEST Cluster

The current “base” FAMOUS job on quest is xcpsb under username annette on the puma UMUI. This is scientifically equivalent to xbyva, see FAMOUS Standard Versions. By default, the job produces restarts every 6 months and means over annual and decadal periods.

We assume users are accessing the UMUI through puma, see NCAS-CMS.

The FAMOUS files on quest are installed under the directory /exports/gpfsbig/um/PUM64/famous. The queues at the moment have a limit of 2 days, and after that you will have to resubmit manually, as there is no automatic resubmission.

Submission needs to be done in several stages.

1) Set up your environment on quest

cd $HOME
cp /exports/gpfsbig/um/PUM64/setvars $HOME
ln -s setvars setvars_4.5
module add default-infiniband-pgi-251
. $HOME/setvars

Note: If you have already been running on quest, you may have references to the old module default-infiniband-pgi in your .profile and/or setvars, so just check that they are consistent.

2) Create a job

3) Compile the job

The compilation and the run must be done in separate stages.

(I never worry about any of the other options.)
~jeff/bin/umsubmit -h -u USERID -r scp RUNID

I’ve also found that the SUBMIT button works here.

Compilation output will be sent to $HOME/umui_out

4) Run the job

Copy the files over from puma:

Ignore any error messages from qsub. You have to submit the job directly on quest.

Submit the job directly on quest:

cd $HOME/umui_runs
ls -lrt
cd ...

Job output will be sent to this directory.

Use qstat -an to get a summary of the running jobs.

Additional resource: Notes from experience of running FAMOUS on QUEST

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Page last modified on January 30, 2008, at 01:10 PM