Main: Current Work Robin

Robin Smith
August 16, 2011, at 11:04 AM

I’m nominally the manager of the FAMOUS project at NCAS-Climate, and my work has two strands:

The development side of things has scaled back a lot since the release of FAMOUS versions XDBUA and XDKUB (see FAMOUSStandardVersions); my pages of science-related technical notes (as opposed to Annette’s properly technical notes) can now be found at ScienceWorkRobin.

Support-wise I’m more than happy to answer emails on pretty much any topic, which is usually what happens, but it’s probably more transparent all round if questions get routed through the helpdesk, so they can be logged and tracked properly. They come to me either way :)

I’ve just finished using FAMOUS to conduct a number of transient simulations of the last glacial cycle, investigating the effects of solar insolation variations, greenhouse gases and northern hemisphere ice-sheets on climate as part of Quaternary QUEST. My new project involves improving the coupling between the UM and the Glimmer-CISM ice-sheet model and investigating the ice-sheet climate feedbacks though the last glacial cycle. I also like experimenting with different setups however, so I’ve also run MOC hosing and hysteresis experiments, as well as playing around with the Southern Ocean climate forcings and some odder things, like spinning the world backwards.

r.s.smith at

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Page last modified on August 16, 2011, at 11:04 AM