Main.PortingHECToR History

Hide minor edits - Show changes to output

Changed lines 6-7 from:
'''Update 25/11/08''': 4.5.3 on HECToR with pathscale now does compilation in the serial queue and supports data archiving.
'''Update 25/11/08''': 4.5.3 on HECToR with now does compilation in the serial queue. Pathsacle supports data archiving, but this currently does not work for PGI.
Added lines 26-30:
* Atmos/Ocean -> Control -> Dumping & Meaning
->Restart dumps every: @@180 days@@
->Archiving every: @@2@@
->Starting at the: @@2@@

Added lines 6-25:
'''Update 25/11/08''': 4.5.3 on HECToR with pathscale now does compilation in the serial queue and supports data archiving.

To switch on archiving:

* Script mods:
->Remove: @@$MODS_SCRIPTS/hector_sub.mod@@

* Environment variables:
->Add: @@ARCHIVE_DIR $DATA_DIR/um_archive/$RUNID@@

* Model mods:
->Include: @@$MODS/general/xt4_archive.mod@@

* Post Processing -> Main Switch + General Questions
->Automatic post-processing required: @@Yes@@

Changed line 35 from:
--> Include /export/puma/data-01/home/jeff/umui_jobs/hand_edits/notrap45
--> Add /home/jeff/umui_jobs/hand_edits/notrap45
Deleted lines 12-15:
* User Information and Target Machine -> Target Machine:
--> Processors NS: 8
--> Processors EW: 2

Changed lines 39-41 from:
--> Include /export/puma/data-01/home/jeff/umui_jobs/hand_edits/notrap45
--> (This fixes problem of creating temp directories that sometimes occcurs).

Page last modified on November 25, 2008, at 05:47 PM by annette